Academic grading in Pakistan

| Excellent | A |- | B | Good | B |- | C | Satisfactory | C+ |- | D | Pass | C |- | F | Fail | F |}

Grade Percentage WES Equivalency
Distinction 80 - 100 A1
High Pass 70 - 80 A
Pass 60 - 69 B
Marginal Pass 50 - 59 C
Fail 0 - 49

In old grading system consisting of “Division Scheme”, the range of %age of marks is as follows:

Percentage of Marks Division
60 - 100 First
45 - 59.99 Second
33 - 44.99 Third
0 - 32.99 Fail

The grading system according to the percentage of marks in Division Scheme is as follows:

80% and above A1 Exceptional
70% and above but below 80% A Excellent
60% and above but below 70% B Very Good
50% and above but below 60% C Good
40% and above but below 50% D Fair
below 40% to minimum pass marks E Satisfactory
below 33% or passing marks F Fail

Another grading scale is commonly used in lower education:

80% and above A1 Exceptional
70% and above but below 80% A Excellent
60% and above but below 70% B Very Good
50% and above but below 60% C Good
40% and above but below 50% D Fair
below 40% to minimum pass marks E Satisfactory
below 33% or passing marks F Fail